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The harder part than the tool is understanding the underlying antenna theory to know what to do to synthesize sensible designs. Register for a free QRZ account. You can store these files wherever you want in whatever directory structure you like. Can you change a line and have it make logical sense? You can choose which pattern to observe. It's not like I'm exceptionally stupid, just strapped for time and I would like to model my vertical without putting someone else out to do it. Once you feel comfortable with that, then I would advise copying and slightly modifying an example. 4nec2 tutorial

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I can't really comment on the best tutorial since there were none when I started using it.

4nec2 tutorial

I know there is a pdf by Gunthard Kraus that has the basics. I'm sure there is a lurker out there thinking the same thing.

You will need to know this eventually, but in my opinion, doing this at the beginning before you know what you are trying to analyze makes it more confusing. I lose n4ec2 sometimes in 4nec2, cannot see the logic of that organisation. Your name or email address: Register for a free QRZ account. But I can offer a few pointers.

Nec2 supplementary files

You can choose which pattern to observe. Change the length of part of the antenna and observe it in the geometry window and also 4nex2 it changes the simulation result.

4nec2 tutorial

It giveth me an inferiority complex. Can you change a line and have it make logical sense?

4nec2 tutorial

All of these EM simulation software is pretty complicated. It's not like I'm exceptionally stupid, just strapped for time and I would like to model my vertical without putting someone else out to do it.

Change the frequency of simulation. I've run into several on U Tube and for whatever reason, they just don't get the information tutroial to my lil' ole pea brain. Well, I delete this message and open "file" box. A command box will open temporarily to show progress of the simulation.

I'd recommend to run an example like a simple dipole on a single frequency and observe the impedance, pattern, VSWR etc. Here is a simple explanation of the types 4nnec2 files. I am pretty familiar with 4NEC2. There is also more than one way to specify the antenna geometry, so that makes things a bit confusing for beginners as well. This means you don't have to enter the parameters for a 4nev2 antenna until you know more of how the program works.

UA3TWMar 8, If you have questions, just ask, probably someone knows the answer and would be glad to help. I know a tutoriall of tutorials start with how to edit antenna files. Once you know how to analyze and interpret an existing example antenna.

I understand that my comment is too generalising, just an impression, but it is annoying me most of all there.

In the main window choose Calculate and then NEC output data. If you want to see the pattern then you would re-run the simulation. For example i got fully lost in the organisation of this soft.

4nec2 tutorial

Just now as i open 4nec2, it shows me: If you have a question about something specific in a youtube video post the link and the time in the video that is unclear and ask your question about what was presented.

I can see the list of files of various kinds, like this: I think the reason you are seeing the NEC error is that by default 4NEC2 opens 4nef2 last antenna you were trying to simulate. So, I'm curious what you liked or didn't like.


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